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Parasite Control

Internal parasites, or worms, are silent thieves and killers. They can cause extensive internal damage without you even realizing your animals are heavily infected. The effects of internal parasites on a horse range from a dull haircoat and unthriftiness to colic and death. Internal parasites lower the horse’s resistance to infection, rob the horse of valuable nutrients, and in some cases, cause permanent damage to the internal organs.


In terms of management priorities, establishing an effective parasite control program is probably second only to supplying the horse with clean, plentiful water and high-quality feed. It’s that important! There is no single deworming program that suits all horses and all situations.


The ideal program for your horse(s) depends on the type, number, and ages of the horses on your farm, pasture management, and your geographic location. It is best to have your veterinarian help you devise an appropriate deworming program for your horse or farm which almost always includes a fecal egg count. There have many changes to parasite control protocols. What we used to do in the past, is not necessarily the best practice today.

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