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Advanced Dental Work

Proper dental maintenance is essential to allow peak performance and harmony between the horse and rider.

According to the standard of care set forth by the AAEP, a proper equine dental exam utilizes a sedative, a light and a speculum.


Professional dental care can:


  • Prevent premature tooth loss and promote more complete utilization of feed to maintain proper weight

  • Reduce the incidence of impaction and gas colic

  • Alleviate temporomandibular joint pain

  • Difficulty or reluctance to perform in one direction

  • Allow a less stressful eruption of the permanent teeth by the timely removal of shedding deciduous teeth (caps)

  • Prevent pain due to the use of a bit, making it easier for the horse to be trained, and to alleviate resistance and other training issues


Professional Equine uses the latest technology in dental equipment designed for the equine mouth and teeth. This provides comfort to the horse and allows the veterinarian to give a detailed tooth float to correct any dental disorders. A routine float exam consists of the removal of sharp edges, fixing loose caps, waves, incisor corrections, hooks, and spikes. Extractions can also be done when necessary.


Preventative floating should be done every 12 to 18 months depending on the horse’s age. Senior horses especially need to have a dental exam annually.

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